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Kylie Challis

Exercise Science 


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About me

Hello! My name is Kylie Challis and I am in my first year of undergraduates majoring in Exercise Science. I plan to be an Athletic Trainer at a high school or college level. What inspired me to this career pathway was just playing soccer and basketball, being around constant injuries, and learning things about them. In high school, I had numerous sprains, concussions, etc, and was always around the recovery process. I also took an athletic training course in high school that attracted my interest. I love to learn about the human body and how things work with recovery. I was also close to my previous athletic trainer, Carl Palma, and he inspired me and taught me most of what I know. This e-portfolio is to share my education journey and accomplishments with my future of Exercise Science as an Athletic Trainer!




The major I am pursing is Exercise Science. After this year I will be adding a minor of education, so I can teach Exercise Science classes in a High school setting


My Career Goals is to graduate IU Indianapolis  with an undergraduate's in Exercise Science. After that I want to do my Graduates at the University of Indianapolis for Athletic training, and Take over a program (preferably Beech Grove) and be an Athletic trainer and Educator for upperclassmen.

My Major & Career Goals


Virtual Exchange in N220


Jasmine           Abby

For our course, Nutrition220, We had a project that involved getting to know other students from Newcastle University (UK), which allowed us to explore a different culture and our country's differences. My partners were Abby (IUI) and Jasmine (UK). Through this project, we kept finding differences in our eating habits/choices and factors like what's available, affordable, and beneficial for our nutrition plates. Throughout the journey, we found significant differences bewween our choice of appetites, but despite that, we also were very alike in ways we didn't know. In conclusion, the Virtual Exchange was a sublime opportunity and I'm very thankful for getting to have that knowledge in United States v.s. United Kingdom.


Service Learning Project


During this semester, Our class (Kine-L135) did a service learning project, where we could volunteer with two different programs, Special Olympics Indiana and IU Indianapolis's SITE program. I chose to pair up with the IUPUI SITE program, instructed by Margaret Brown. I got paired up with Ivan Cerventes' Group, to go on walks, every Monday from 12-1. I made a lot of amazing friends, such as Youssef, Malachi, Mary, Katie, and Alayah. I had engaging conversations with everyone and it was definitely a fun experience.


They made the experience memorable, whether it was going to the Art Museum, Indianapolis Zoo, or just a simple walk around the IUI campus. My favorite activity we did was go to the Herron School of Art, and look at the amazing artworks created by IU Indianapolis students. Another thing I really enjoyed was playing Regatta games to earn some free t-shirts and fanny packs! It was always so adventurous and fun. I would love to partner back up with the program in the future with the wholesome memories it brought me!


First Semester Reflection

The semester was exactly what I'd thought it would be. Adjusting from High School to College wasn't as hard for me as it was for some of my classmates. I am very thankful for the help of Dr. Swinford and her peer mentors, making the transition run way smoother, with helpful tips on how to adjust and just balance everything while staying physically and mentally still in the game. I'm also thankful for all the opportunities my professors have given me to get out into activities within the major.


The only rough part about the semester was the last few weeks and studying and preparing for all my upcoming finals, however with Dr. Swinford's study plans, I feel that I will do good on all exams this semester and from here on out. First semester definitely was a great experience and I cannot wait to see the rest of my college journey!


Quotes I used to help power through this semester:

"Today is not just another day. Its a new opportunity, a new chance, a new chapter"

"Losing isn't an option, you either win or learn"


KINE-P 246




My experience while taking this course (KINE-P 246) has been very fun. I learned very important thing about working out, and I learned how to teach, lead, explain, and overall just be comfortable with doing these things with other people. My growth in this course has been very noticeable, with me not really being good at explaining OR presenting things and this class made me improve both. This class was overall very fun and I had the best classmates and professor to get me through this next step at IU Indianapolis.


CAP 2024


Section 1: What career do you want to pursue and WHY? 


  1. What career do you want to pursue?  

         Athletic Training 


2. Explain, in DETAIL, what the day-to–day work will involve as if you were explaining it to a friend. 


In the athletic training world, there isn't an average “day to day” really because every injury and every event that happens, can happen at different times. However, if you HAD to put it into a day to day- You start your day about 30 minutes before school is let out (I arrive around 3) to prep for practices (give them water/Gatorade) and set up anything that needs to be set up if it's a game day. As soon as school ends you open your office doors and you do any rehab, icings, cuppings, stretches, tapings, or anything like that, that needs to be done for the athletes to keep them healthy. After all the athlete preps are done, you send them all to practice, and pop into each practice for about 10-30 minutes to ensure everything is done smoothly. After practices wrap up, you do ice rehab and stretching on the athletes before sending them home. Once everyone is gone you can finally wrap up your office close it and repeat it tomorrow. Which makes you leave around 9-10PM  


On Weekends (no games) I would arrive about 30 minutes to an hour before the first practice started and I would set up water, Gatorade, and anything else they would need for this morning's practice. The first set of practices would usually be 8-10 so that would have me arriving at 7, the second round of practices would start around 12-2 Which would have me doing the same thing- set up for their practices and make sure it's safe for everyone. Of course, after each practice session I would be doing rehab and treatments for hurt athletes for about an hour or so. After that, I have about a break from 3:30-5 To do whatever I please, just stay on school grounds and in my office. Around 6 pm that would be the last session of practices for the day, and I would set up practices before, and rehab and treatment after, wrapping up the weekend at about 8ish PM.  


On weekends (Gamedays) I would still arrive around 30 minutes- 1 hour before practices and games. I would set up waters and everything for practices, but my focus is to prep for whatever game/meet is going on at our home schools. I would make sure I have everything for said game/meet (water, Gatorade, first aid kit, crutches, make sure it is same weather, make sure we have an EMT present just in case of emergency, make sure there's an active escape plan to be prepared for a scenario, etc) Before the game I would prep the athletes with rehab, treatment, stretching, taping, etc with whatever they need for the game. During the game, I just sit on the sidelines and make sure nothing happens and nobody gets hurt. If they do, I would treat them immediately. After the game I'm doing more rehab and treatment with players, doing more icing, and stabilizing any injuries one might have. After That's all wrapped up, I break down the equipment needed for whatever game/meet, clean up my office, and head home. 



  1. Why is it your career choice? 

  Athletic Training has always been my choice of career. Being surrounded by sports my whole life helped me pursue this career. I've had about five concussions and two or three ankle sprains between my 3 sports (Basketball/Soccer/Tennis) and our school's athletic trainer Carl, was really sweet.  I ended up taking the upperclassmen athletic training classes 1 and two that Carl taught, and it helped my love grow even more. But Carl helped me want to do this career, whether it was him wrapping my ankle or listening to me cry at 8pm when he stayed after to make me feel better, and overall being a good family friend to me and all my siblings. 



 1. What is the average annual starting salary/compensation (not average salary) for your career choice?                                                                 $53,396


  1. If you do not attain your number one career choice, what is your second choice?

   Physical Therapist


  1. Explain, in DETAIL, what the day-to–day work will involve as if you were explaining it to a friend. 


Physical Therapists are usually in a hospital setting, with their average workday at 7:30-5pm. When you first arrive you look at your board (daily schedule) and see what patients you have that day and at what time. You would grab everything you need for the day (Notebook/Computer/Walker/etc) and you would round to your patients. You would check their charts and make sure nothing has changed with them (Good or bad) and after that, if nothing has changed you proceed to go on about the treatment you do. After seeing all the patients, You would have lunch (usually 12-12:30 and you would then afterward meet with your boss/manager (whoever's in charge of you) and you would meet over any potential issues or the basic status of your patients. After the lunch and meetings, you would go back onto whichever floor needs you at that time, and you would see patients and take care of their needs and basically just float around wherever you’re needed the most. At the end of the shift, I would go over notes/charts and make sure everything is accurate, I would then put the charts back (charts stay at the hospital) and then I would go home and repeat.   



  1. Why is it one of your career choices? 

I know I want to go into the medical field, so it is what I click with best. Based on my research, Physical therapy could also be something that I wouldn't get bored with, and I will still be interested in it every day, It seems like something I could do for the rest of my life. 



Section 2: Future Budget and Expenses 

  1. Where do you want to live when you start your career? 

Beech Grove, Indiana


1. Using the provided word document in (CAP Resources: Budget Example), create a detailed MONTHLY budget for the future. (You are estimating for the FUTURE using your STARTING income of your career choice) 
























  1. Based on your desired lifestyle, how much does it cost to live there monthly? 

$2, 379.99 (Added 2,000 because I dont currently pay for rent/utilities/homeowners insurance but if i did it would be that) 


  1. What was your total MONTHLY GROSS INCOME?



  1. What were your total MONTHLY EXPENSES/DEBTS?



  1. Is your total MONTHLY GROSS PAY greater than your TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES? (All expenses including taxes)



Section 3: What is required? 


  1. What Degrees/Major is required or preferred for your career choice? Example: Kinesiology: Exercise Science Pre-PT, Fitness Management and Personal Training, etc. 

Both Athletic training and Physical Therapists first need a Bachelors degree in Exercise science, Pre-PT, and/or Kinesiology. Then get a Masters degree in Your specialized area (AT or PT) then you’ll have to pass a state licesnsure exam to be certified/licenced. 


  1. What Graduate Degrees, if any, are required?

Doctor of Athletic training or Doctor of physical therapy degree  


  1. What SPECIFIC undergraduate course prerequisites (List the specific Courses) are required, if any, to qualify for graduate school or the school you apply for after graduation if it applies? (Examples: Chemistry 101, Anatomy with Lab, Physics, etc.)

Our degree pathway is CHEM-C 105, CHEM C-125, CHEM C-106, CHEM-C 126, PHYS-P 201 or PHYS-P 221, PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222, PHSL-P 261, PHSL-P 262, PSY-P 103, PSY-P 216.  One of the following: BIOL-L 220, MATH-K 310, MATH-M 261, PSY-P 354, KINE-P212, KINE-P 215, KINE P-212, KINE-N 220, KINE-P200, KINE-P246, KINE-P 373, KINE-P403, KINE-P405, KINE-P417,  and 6 additional credit hours in humanities or social sciences course work. 



  1. How many shadowing/observation hours are required prior to graduation for your career choice?

50 hours 

1. What is the official process to record/document the hours?  

Upload the information in document section of ATCAS 


  1. How much money will your undergraduate and graduate degree(s) cost in tuition and other related expenses? 



  1. How will you pay for it? 

Financial aid already pays for my undergraduates (1200 a semester cost) and $754 per year cost for graduates school. Sallie Mae Loans is helping me cover the rest of my costs__ 


  1. What Minor could be helpful in your future career?

Education, since I would also like to teach an Athletic training course at the hignschool level 


  1. What Licensure, if any, is required for your future career?

State licensure exam 


  1. What certifications or certificates could be helpful in your future career?

BOC (Board of Certification) for AT 


  1. What professional organizations would be beneficial to join for your future career?

Three of the best organizations for me to join would be ACSM, NATA,  BOC 


  1.  What are the specific names of some of the professional, peer-reviewed journals (not the name of the article or organization but the name of the journal itself) that would be beneficial for your career choice?

Position statement of the American College of Sports Medicine. Exercise recommendations for seemingly healthy adults: quantity and quality of exercise for enhancing and preserving cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor fitness 


NATA journal of Athletic Training 


ACSM Medicine & Exercise in Sports & Exercise 


  1. Describe at least 3 specific ways you plan on networking?  

Three ways I plan on networking to get myself out there is 1- Use my connections to get me to a higher level, 2- Branching out to more things and more opportunities, and to continue trying to be better and setting more goals throught my journey 



  1. What specific personal, academic, and professional mentor(s) would be beneficial for guidance? List one of each type.    

Personal Mentor would be Megan Challis (stepmom), Academiic menor would be Nora Foltz, and Professional mentor would be Carl Palma 


  1. Why? 

My Stepmom as my persoanl mentor because she will never “baby” me and she will always push me to be my greatest and even then some. Nora Foltz as my academic mentor because shes really helped tutor me in some classes and helped me study and preparem(mentally AND physically) for things. Also Carl Palma as my professional mentor because hes already helped me through my jlurney and hes a great connection to have and one of the bests AT’s in Indiana 


  1. What specific barriers could keep you from your attaining your career choice? 

Barriers that could stop me from this is factors such as wanting to settle down and start a family, maybe even time and money could possibly be a barrier 


  1. How can you specifically overcome these barriers? 

Have a daily/weekly schedule to stay focused on time, I could also put back money every payday to keep myself from being financially unstable. Im not sure what to do when I possibly start a family, but I'll cross taht bridge when it comes 


  1. Explain in detail what specific options you could pursue to gain experience while you are pursuing your degree?

There are so many oppourtunities nowadays to shadow, interview, etc. ve already done some shadowing with Carl on a gameday, and also just an average after school day with practices. In the summer Im going to apply to community hosipital and I think just being in the setting where I can always reach out to people for advice and information will be very good for both me and my future. 


  1.  What specific volunteer opportunities may help separate you from your peers for your future career? 

Shadow Carl all summer with how he goes about practices, pre-season preparations, research, etc I think will be a very good thing for me. He’s agreed to Let me shadow him everyday from 8AM-12ish (if i want to stay later I could). It could be a great help with him so he could get more done and it would be great for me to expand my knowledge 


Section 4:  Personal Reflection/ Career Preparation 


  1.  Answer these common interview questions:   

  1. What are your strengths?

Im very patient, Im good at working in teams, Adaptiveness, Dedicated, good communication 

   1. What are your weaknesses?

Shyness, procrastination 

   1. What specific skills do you have that will help with your career choice?

I’m good at reacting in the moment, Im good at communicating properly and satisfying people. I am also good at calming people down 

  1. How do you organize your work tasks each day?

I have a calendar that I write every plan into, it helps me be organized and get everything done

  1. How do you handle stress and pressure?

I’m good under stress and pressure and if i get a bit overwelmed, I just need a second to step back and then I step back in. 

  1. Why should we hire you?

I would be a great asset to have because im hard working, I love sports medicine and athletic training with such a strong passion. I’ve done my research on this company, and I believe this is where I belong the most. â€‹

  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I’ll be 24. That means I'll be in the middle of my graduates at Uindy for Athletic Training â€‹

  1. How much compensation (Pay/Salary/Benefits, etc.) do you require? 

I would only require enough that keeps me stress free and not living off of pennys and nickles. I want to raise my famiy in a better matter then the way I was raised, and I must be supporting in a way that im not financially unstable 

  1. What do you like about this profession, employer, or company?

I am currently employed by the National Institute of Fitness and Sport (NIFS), and I love the oppurtunies it brings my way. Every staff member is very caring and informative, and if tou are interested in something theybtake time out of their way to inform you about it. It offers so many things and its overall a good company to be surrounded by, going in the career pathway that I am. ​

  1. How would critical thinking be applied in this career?

Critical thinking would be in the day-to-day life as an Athletic trainer because im constantly looking out for the health of other people and soemtimes i will just have to react in the moment. â€‹

  1. Give a specific example of your past critical thinking skills. 

When I was working just a Normal day at Texas Roadhouse. An older couple was sitting in one of my tables, The older man started to become dizzy and lightheaded, and he shortly passed out. My first instict was to yell for the manager as I'm checking if he has a pulse. I told one of my coworkers to grab our health kit we have and then I told another to call 911 and request a paramedic. I started to ask the wife questions about the older man's health history and we eventually got him to wake up, we gave him a gkass of water and let the paramedics take over from there. I used my critical thinking skills on what to do and how to react in the moment without wasting any time. 


  1.  If you were an employer interviewing yourself, name three reasons why you might not hire yourself.

Unexperienced, Young, and Shy 


  1. How can you specifically change/overcome these three reasons? 

To get over these things I can do some volunteer work and more shadowing so I'm not as muh inexperienced as others. To get over being shy I just will branch out more and take more oppourtunites  


  1. Next: Provide a detailed profile/description of the Business, Corporation, or individual you listed in

 I want to be workig through community hosipital, and be an athletic trainer at beech grove high school, and teach some AT courses there as well. Beech grove is a school in indianapolis, indiana and has multiple sports thats offered and would be a great place for me to start my career at 


  1. When was the last time you met with your academic advisor? 

Last time was In November of 2023 


  1. Why haven’t you met with your academic advisor?

I haven’t been in need to reach out to them, however I did just email them yesterday to ask questions about potentially taking more courses over the summer to get more done 


  1. Create a current resume.  



















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